Five finger death punch bad company wiki
Five finger death punch bad company wiki

five finger death punch bad company wiki

five finger death punch bad company wiki

It is said that some of the Warrior Priests and Warrior Monks can reach a state of enlightenment that can put them in touch with the Collective, granting them the ability to use the amassed knowledge of the inhabitants of that planet. When a spirit is ready to leave the collective it will select a being that has just been born furthering the cycle of collective knowledge due to the fact that the young being will experience a whole new life and learn many different skills during this time. They believe in no Deity only in the collective spirit of each inhabited planet within the universe, according to the beliefs every inhabited planet has a collective of spirits, these spirits come from the death of an inhabitant of the planet and at which point it will join the collective and add to the overall wealth of knowledge. The beliefs of the followers of Senshi-Daishizen concerning the world and their roles in it are fairly simple and straight forward. Disciples also feel that honor is everything and if you lose that honor you may be asked to leave the Dojo until you regain your honor at which point you must prove to the Sensei Priest that you have learned your lesson, most Disciples who have lost their honor almost never regain their place within the Dojo due to lack of trust. Most followers feel it’s their duty to protect those who are weaker than themselves and will almost always fight for a cause they believe in until the bitter end. They generally practice great amounts of self discipline and live somewhat martial lifestyles in which they participate in various forms of martial arts and hand to hand combat at their religions Dojo Monasteries and in the privacy of their own homes or ships. Most followers of Senshi-Daishizen also known as Disciples worship the Collective Spirit of their home planet and will respect the planet itself along with its inhabitants. Almost 80% of the population which totaled close to 2500 villagers followed the teachings of Jonathan McPherson who was considered a Sensei Priest of Senshi-Daishizen. The village there had built a small dojo type monastery in which they worshipped. The first recorded proof of this religion was in 2039 in a small militant village known as Daishizen’s Hope which was located in an isolated forest in south western China.

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As these groups grew they were able to set more permanent bases of operation which as time went on became small villages full of families whose members believed in a mix of Neo-Paganism and a Bushido like code of conduct known today as Senshi-Daishizen. As the smaller groups were rooted out of their bases by the Invid and forced to roam they began to find other resistance fighters and banded together for a common cause. A large percentage of these people believed in Neo-Paganism or various Asian religions and codes of conduct. It was the reinactors and the martial artist groups in North America, Europe and Asia who where the largest groups of resistance fighters in thier respective areas. Since most of the military was wiped out or elsewhere during this time it was left up to the civilian population to defend themselves and a large portion of those defenders were former members of the police, or they were various military reinactors, martial artists groups or other like minded people and families. The reason for this is due to the origins of Gaia freedom fighters during the Invid Occupation. The core beliefs are mostly comprised from elements of the late 20th century “New Age” neo paganism combined with the revised belief structure and code of conduct from bushido. Senshi-Daishizen originated on Gaia (Earth) during the Invid Invasion and occupation of 2031, the beliefs themselves derive from several different religions and beliefs.

Five finger death punch bad company wiki